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Dooley’s Flavoured Popcorn

Dooley’s Flavoured Popcorn

Movie night planned for next weekend?


  • 1 cup of kernels
  • 3 T of butter
  • 1 T of light corn syrup
  • 1/3 cup of confectionary sugar
  • 3 T of Dooley‘s


Pop a cup of kernels and place in a large bowl. Melt the butter and the corn syrup in a saucepan. Add the confectionery sugar until well blended and then add Dooley‘s. Pour the mixture over the popcorn and stirred until well combined. Place the popcorn-mixture on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and bake for 6 minutes at 325 degree. Stirr twice. Remove popcorn-mixture onto a new sheet of wax paper and let it cool. If needed, break up the pieces after it cools.

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